Our Vision

is a world where no child is affected by eating disorders. Together, we can combat anorexia nervosa's grip until we find a cure. Your support ignites hope and ensures a healthier tomorrow for our children.

Our Mission

is to identify and support novel high quality medical research that provides a pathway to the primary prevention of anorexia nervosa.

Research Areas and Grant Applications For Investigators

Download the 2025 Phase 1 Pre-proposal. Specific summer deadline TBA

download Phase 1 Pre-proposal

Who We Are

The Sarah Kyle Anorexia Nervosa Research Foundation (SKANRF) has been formed to serve charitable, educational, and scientific purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The specific purpose is to fund breakthrough research to establish the primary cause of eating disorders with an emphasis on Anorexia Nervosa to discover a path to the primary prevention of this mental illness.

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Board of Directors

David Kyle, PhD

Tim Brown

Garry Kyle

Stephanie Setliff, MD

Fr. John Mudd

John Campbell, JD